[NEWS][130411] SNSD will be having a fan-meeting in Beijing on April 23th

Lucky fans in Beijing, SNSD is heading your way on April 23!

The girls, who are endorsing electronic giant Samsung in China, will be attending a fan meeting in Beijing on April 23 and lucky buyers who purchased selected notebook computers in the promotional period will receive tickets to the fan meeting.

According to Samsung, SNSD was selected to be their model for their youthful and energetic image to represent dreams and hopes for the future.

Participants will have a chance to obtain the girls’ autographs at the event as well. Locals should take the rare opportunity to meet the girls as they are spending most of their time in Korea and Japan.

Source: Yurui912@twitter.com + RenRen.com

Article by: yegrina@kpoplive.com

credit: notynodream